The Ashburton PTA offers many ways to volunteer and give back to our school community, from multi-year leadership terms on the board, to leadership of committees to short term opportunities that make a major impact with just an hour or few hours of commitment.
We greatly value our volunteers and the commitment you bring to Ashburton and the broader industry. Continue to check this page as we add more opportunities to engage with and give back to our school community through volunteer service.
Interested in volunteering? Click here to submit an interest form, or reach out to membership@ashburtonpta.org.
Current Opportunities (as of 9/10/2024)
View the slide deck from the September 10 meeting on volunteer opportunities.
Board Positions
We are currently seeking a candidate to serve as Co-VP, Membership for 2024-25. The Co-VP will lead our annual membership drive, represent the PTA at community events and coordinate volunteer engagement with our event and committee leads. If you are interested in being considered, please email us at membership@ashburtonpta.org.
The Ashburton PTA will seek nominations for Board positions in Spring 2025. The Board meets once a month virtually, and participates in additional calls and events as needed.
Open Committee Leads
STEAM Week Co-Lead
During STEAM Week, parents in STEAM fields visit classrooms to lead demonstrations or talk about STEAM related topics. In addition, during the week, STEAM Night is a 2 hour event where students can enjoy hands on science and art activities, and student poster presentations. We are looking for a third Co-Lead to shadow Jen Sloan and Julie Wu to plan the 2025 STEAM Night Events. Co-Lead organize hands-on activities, purchase the supplies, and organize SSL kids to run the activities, as well as recruit interviewers and arrange for the interviewers to speak to all the student presenters.
Open Committees
Fall Festival (October 19, 2024)
Spring Fling (May 31, 2025)
The Fall Festival and Spring Fling Committees are seeking active volunteers to plan and execute this years’ events. Committee members will work with vendors, plan prize giveaways, pick up supplies, and support and organize event volunteers. The Spring Fling Committee will also organize an Ashburton Community favorite - the Spring Class Basket and Teacher Feature Raffle! You can serve on the planning committee for either or both events.
Hospitality Committee (Ongoing)
The Hospitality Committee helps to plan and execute events celebrating our wonderful Ashburton teachers and staff, including staff luncheons and staff appreciation week, as well as providing hospitality at other functions for the community hosted by the PTA. Committee members support the co-chairs in planning and executing these events.
Ashburton Cares (Ongoing)
This is a new committee starting this 2023-24 school year. The committee aims to lend a helping hand to our neighbors while ensuring the success of our TQ Stars! Event ideas include MLK Jr. Day of Service activity,
helping parents/staff organize Kindness Day resources, and an Earth Day clean up project. Please join and bring your ideas about how we can serve our community together with our TQ Stars.
Nominating Committee (Spring 2025)
The Nominating Committee will review nominations for open board seats and recommend a slate to the membership.
If you have an hour or a few hours, these opportunities will fit the bill! Check back frequently throughout the year for sign-up forms and more details.
NOURISHNOW Snack Pick Up (Last Thursday of Every Month)
NourishNow is providing Ashburton Elementary School with snack donations, so no kid is left without a snack, at Ashburton. Snacks are picked up from NourishNow (located in Rockville, MD) on the last Thursday of every month. You never know when your kid would forget to take a snack and so would benefit from this donation. More information coming soon!
Hospitality Events (Multiple Dates, TBD)
The Hospitality Committee will need volunteers to help with staff luncheons, staff appreciation week, monthly staff treats and other activities hosted by the Ashburton community. Volunteer roles include set up, clean up and preparing or purchasing food for various events. Sign-ups will be provided in advance of each event.
School Store (Fridays, 8:40-9:10am)
Friday mornings are School Store Days! Grades rotate each week. Volunteers are needed to staff tables each week. Each shift, including set-up, store staffing and clean-up, takes about 30 minutes. Volunteer once or multiple times throughout the year! You can see the full schedule here.
Volunteer to help! It takes at least 3, and up to 5 volunteers each week to run the store. It’s an easy way to see your kids during the day. The needs are to help set up at 8:30 outside of the Media Center, assist the students with their purchases from 8:40-9am, and tear down afterwards. We’re usually done by 9:15. Please sign up here.
Movie Night (September 13, 2024)
Volunteer with us at the first event of the year! We need volunteers to set-up the event, welcome and direct families at the entrance and assist with concessions. You can sign up here!
Haunted Hallway (October 18-20, 2024)
Be a part of one of Ashburton's favorite Fall Festival traditions. Volunteers are needed to brainstorm and coordinate props, unpack and stage items, assemble animatronics, assist with decorating, supervise volunteer student actors, help with traffic flow, and event breakdown. Sign up here!
Fall Festival (October 19, 2024)
Opportunities will include ticket sales, concessions, pumpkin patch supervision, picking up pumpkins from vendors, and more.
Fall Book Fair (November 11-16, 2024)
Opportunities will include, set-up, one-hour cashier shifts and breakdown.
Bingo Night (January 24, 2025)
Opportunities will include set-up, registration table, concessions and clean-up
STEAM Week/Night (Week of February 24, 2025; STEAM Night is February 27, 2025)
During STEAM Week, Mr. Morrison organizes in-class talks and demonstrations. We’d like to identify one STEAM career parent/grown-up in each classroom to lead a demonstration or give a talk to the kids.
The STEAM Week Co-Chairs are seeking 15-20 interviewers in the STEAM fields who can meet with students participating in STEAM Night Poster Sessions. This takes place for one hour on the second hour of STEAM Night.
Skate Night (March 29, 2025)
Opportunities will include set-up and assisting at the check-in table to hand out wristbands and skate rental tickets.
Girls on the Run Coaches (Spring 2025)
Become a coach for Girls on the Run, a before-school program for girls in 3rd through 5th grade. The program teaches life skills through dynamic interactive lessons and running games. The goal of the program is to unleash confidence through accomplishment while establishing a lifetime appreciation of health and fitness. Coach training is required but no running experience is necessary
International Night (April 25, 2025)
Opportunities will include hosting a country table, event set-up, greeters and clean-up at International Night. Also we welcome volunteers to help coordinate the International Assembly performances and fashion walk.
Spring Book Fair (Spring 2025)
Opportunities will include, set-up, one-hour cashier shifts and breakdown.
Spring Fling (May 31, 2025)
Opportunities will include: Ticket sales, concessions, prize table, Class Basket preview days, set-up, clean-up
If you’d like more information on volunteer opportunities, please complete this form or contact membership@ashburtonpta.org.
Thank You to Our Current Board of Directors, Committee LEADS and Volunteers!
Ashburton PTA Board
Veronica Bendit, 2nd Vice President, Membership
Kelsey Brown, Secretary
Trisha Comsti, Vice President, Communications
Tori Entin, Treasurer
Carolina Rahman, Vice President, Fundraising
Miriam Wolk, President
Walter Johnson Cluster Representatives
Theresa Dike
Samantha Kupferman
Montgomery County PTA Delegate
Hilary Gawrilow
Committee & Event Leads
Veronica Bendit, Hospitality Co-Lead
Stephanie Chin, Skate Night Lead
Mia DiMezza, Book Fair Co-Chair
Campbell Dodson, SSL Lead
Taylor Frazier McCollum, Spring Fling Lead
Bill Mellema, Haunted Hallway Lead
Rebecca Mellema, Book Fair Co-Lead
Robyn Minchik, Ashburton Cares Lead
Vijay Nagarajan, Fall Festival Lead
Ana Nunes, School Store Co-Lead
Dan Nunes, School Store Co-Lead
Caroline Ostro, Spirit Wear Co-Lead
Becca Scherr, Girls on the Run Co-Lead
Leena Shepherd, International Night Lead
Hani Saberinia-Claise, School Clubs Lead and Spirit Wear Co-Lead
Benjaree Singjirakul, Hospitality Co-Lead
Jen Sloan, STEAM Night Co-Lead
Diane Strauss, School Clubs & Enrichment Co-Lead
Colleen Weschler, Girls on the Run Co-Lead
Julie Wu, STEAM Night Co-Lead
Movie Night Volunteers
Ving De Lope
Taylor Frazier McCollum
Hillary Goodman
Aileen Leung
Abigail Liriano
Ivana Mandich
Melissa May
Asako Moriya
Françoise Olive Olanguena Epse Djoufack
Andrea Pham
Amy Vega-Arellano
Gargi Wable Grandner
Alicia Wilson
Star Store Volunteers
Luis Arellano Jr.
Sarah Bradley
Kelsey Brown
Kelly Campbell
Doudou Fam
Dana Guice
Jihyun Ha
Lisa Hacker
Valerie Lankaster
Jessica Lee
Shirin Kao
Torie Ketcham
Arlet Koseian-Beckham
Eileen McCarthy
Cary McStay
Melissa Mullholland
Vijay Nagarajan
Colleen Pomato
Guinevere Seaward
Amy Vega-Arellano
Aaron Weddle
Marie Wierzbic
Alicia Wilson
Miriam Wolk
Brandon Wu
Saul Zelaya